Bandon Electronics

Computer Repair and Network Installation, Custom Audio Equipment,

Electronic and Electric Repair, Home Theater and HDTV,

Custom Electronic Design

I'm still working on this page - check back here soon for updates.
I'm committed to helping the kids, students and graduates in the greater Bandon community persue careers or interests in the technical arena. Once we get settled I'll start some evening and weekend sessions covering topics such as computer basics and programming, robotics, ham radio etc.

Some of my favorite web no particular order...

Tayda Electronics - Great parts resource with reasonable shipping charges!
Electronic Goldmine
All Electronics
Antique Electronic Supply computer and electronic stuff
Bandon TV
Tide Calculator for Oregon coast

Contributed by a local young lady who is persuing electronics as a hobby and maybe a career!!

PartsGeek - Great resource for beginners in electronics

Another user of the site - Lyndhurst Stem Club for Girls - contributed this very useful link. Great info for beginners to electronics.

Seems an unusual place to find this kind of information...none the less here is the link...

